Manuscript Preparation Guidelines


General Text Requirements
The editor accepts articles prepared using the Microsoft Word for Windows text editor. The file type in electronic form is RTF, DOC, DOCX. The optimal volume of the manuscript is 16-18 pages of A4 format. The font of the main text is Times New Roman, the keg is 14 pt, the color is black, the interval is one and a half, and the width is aligned. There are no paragraph spacing. The indentation of the first line of the paragraph is 10 mm. Headers use a different style. Symbols of the Greek and Russian alphabets must be typed directly, non-fat; Latin - in italics, non-fat; the numbers are straight, low-fat. The same requirements must be observed in the figures. Special characters (using Symbol fonts) can be inserted into the text.

Preparation of manuscript text
On the first page, the UDC (directory of codes), the declared type of article (scientific article) are indicated. The title of the article, last name, first name, patronymic (completely) of all authors, the full official name of the institution and the address of the authors' place of work/study must be presented in two languages - Russian and English, the e-mail address of each author

The article should contain the following sections sequentially: "Introduction," "Materials and Methods," "Results," "Discussion," "Conclusion/Conclusions," "List of Literature" or have a different structure.

Title of the manuscript
The title should be as clear and informative as possible, reflecting the main purpose of the study. Abbreviations and abbreviations should be avoided. In most cases, the name is limited to 150 characters with spaces.

The abstract (author's summary) in the periodical is a source of information about the content of the article and the research results set out in it. It should make it possible to determine the relevance of the document and decide whether to refer to the full text, and will also be used to search for the document in information systems. The annotation should be clearly structured and contain the following sections: "Relevance and Goals," "Materials and Methods," "Results," "Conclusions." The annotation volume is from 200 to 250 words. The text should be concise and clear, free from minor information, and have convincing wording (Recommendations for drafting an article annotation). 

Download sample abstract

Keywords should reflect the information provided in the article and provide effective topic recognition by search engines.
The number of keywords is 5-10. It is desirable to use conventional terms.

Conflict of interest
In this section it is necessary to specify any financial relationships that may lead to a conflict of interest in connection with the material presented in the manuscript. If there is no conflict of interest, then it should be written: "The authors declare no conflict of interest."
This section also indicates, if applicable, the commercial interest of individual individuals and/or legal entities in the results of the work, the presence in the manuscript of descriptions of objects of patent or any other type of rights (except copyright).

The data are summarized with reference to the full name of the fund/grant with the assigned number. 

This section is optional, but is desirable if applicable. All participants who do not meet the authorship criteria must be listed here

It is necessary to describe the relevance and degree of development of the problem being studied. At the end of the section it is necessary to formulate the main purpose of the work

Materials and Methods
Sufficient information should be provided on the organization of the study, the subject of the study, the sample under study, inclusion/exclusion criteria, research methods and processing of the data received.

This section notes the results obtained, supported by illustrative material (tables, figures). Avoid repeating all data in tables or figures. You only want to highlight or summarize important observations. The section does not allow expression of copyright opinion, interpretation of the results, and also does not allow references to the work of other copyright teams.

This section should not duplicate the provisions in the Results section. You cannot repeat in detail the data or other material already contained in the Introduction or Results sections. Here it is possible to discuss the application of the results, including in further studies, as well as their limitations. It is possible to compare the results with other studies in the field. References may be made to the work of other authors and informed recommendations.

This section can be written in the form of a general opinion or contain specific numbered conclusions, depending on the specifics of the article.

List of literature
The list of literature should contain a sufficient number of sources (from 20 to 30) in Russian and other languages and include the latest developments in this field of science, including periodic literature of the current and previous year of publication. The literature used in writing the article should reflect the current state of the question, include publications in both domestic and foreign magazines and publications.
The editors recommend referring primarily to original sources from scientific journals included in global citation indices.

Authors are not encouraged to include the following sources in the literature list:
• articles from any non-scientific magazines, newspapers;
• Regulatory and legislative acts;
• statistical collections and archives;
• sources without specifying the author (for example, collections under someone else's editorship);
• dictionaries, encyclopedias, other directories;
• reports, reports, notes, official reports, protocols;
• textbooks, etc.

References to the above sources are recommended by means of appropriate subscripted bibliographic references.

The following sources are recommended for inclusion in the literature list:
• articles from printed scientific journals (or electronic versions of printed scientific journals);
• articles from electronic scientific journals;
• books;
• monographs;
• published conference proceedings.

The sources in the list are arranged according to the order in which they are first mentioned.

The reference in the text of the article to the bibliographic source is given in square brackets indicating the serial number of the source from the list of literature and the number of the page to which the author refers. It is possible to refer to several sources from the list whose sequence numbers must be separated by a semicolon (for example: [1, p. 10], [14, p. 10; 15, page 57], [18], [21; 25], etc.).

Poor quality of the literature list may cause refusal to accept the manuscript for review.

The "poor quality," from the point of view of the editorial board of the magazine, includes:
• Errors in source descriptions, including incomplete output;
• predominance of references to little-known, hard-to-reach sources;
• links to unpublished works;
• references to sources in which the incomplete text of the article or monograph is presented;
• excessive self-citation.

The list of literature in Russian is drawn up in strict accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of compilation".

Examples of the list of literature

Articles in scientific journals
Емелин М. Ю., Николаев Б. В. Основные проблемы системы регистрации (учета) избирателей в Российской Федерации // Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион. Общественные науки. 2020. № 1. С. 38–44. doi:10.21685/2072-3016-2020-1-4

Emelin M.Yu., Nikolaev B.V. The main problems of the registration (accounting) system of voters in the Russian Federation. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Obshchestvennye nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Social sciences. 2020;1:38–44. (In Russ.) doi:10.21685/2072-3016-2020-1-4

Филиппенко А. А. Иммиграционная политика США. Очерки истории. М. : Весь Мир, 2018. С. 112–118.

Filippenko A.A. Immigratsionnaya politika SShA. Ocherki istorii = USA immigration policy. History essays. Moscow: Ves' Mir, 2018:112–118. (In Russ.)

Abstract of dissertation
Шамрин М. Ю. Административно-правовой статус Уполномоченного по правам ребенка : автореф. дис. … канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.14. М., 2014. 32 с.

Shamrin M.Yu. Administrativno-pravovoy status Upolnomochennogo po pravam rebenka: PhD abstract*: 12.00.14 = Administrative and legal status of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights: dissertation to apply for the degree of the candidate of juridical sciences: 12.00.14. Moscow, 2014:32. (In Russ.)

*Для докторской диссертации указывается: DSc abstract.

Федорова О. В. Уполномоченный по правам ребенка: конституционно-правовое исследование : дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.02. Новосибирск, 2017. 198 с.

Fedorova O.V. Upolnomochennyy po pravam rebenka: konstitutsionno-pravovoe issledovanie: PhD dissertation**: 12.00.02 = Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights: constitutional legal research: dissertation to apply for the degree of the candidate of juridical sciences: 12.00.02. Novosibirsk, 2017:198. (In Russ.)

**Для докторской диссертации указывается: DSc dissertation.

Conference proceedings
Ермилова А. В. Одиночество как антипотенциал пожилых людей: социологический аспект // Социальный потенциал пожилых людей: условия, опыт, проблемы эффективного применения : материалы Межрегион. науч.-практ. конф. (г. Саранск, 15 ноября 2018 г.) / под общ. ред. Л. И. Савинова. Саранск : Издатель В. С. Афанасьев, 2019. С. 1–4.

Ermilova A.V. Loneliness as the antipotential of older people: a sociological aspect. Sotsial'nyy potentsial pozhilykh lyudey: usloviya, opyt, problemy effektivnogo primeneniya: materialy Mezhregion. nauch.-prakt. konf. (g. Saransk, 15 noyabrya 2018 g.) = Social potential of older people: conditions, experience, problems of effective use: proceedings of Interregional scientific and practical conference (Saransk, November 15, 2018). Saransk: Izdatel' V.S. Afanas'ev, 2019:1–4. (In Russ.)

Graphic material
Drawings should be placed in the text of the article immediately after the reference to them. In addition, they should be presented as separate files (raster picture formats - TIFF, JPG, PNG with a resolution of 600 dpi, vector picture format - Corel Draw with a minimum line thickness of 0.75 pt). They must allow text editing and the ability to resize.
Drawings shall be accompanied by sub-drawing signatures. The font of the captions for the drawings is Times New Roman, kegl 12 pt.
The drawings can be presented in various color versions: black and white, shades of gray, colored. Color pictures will remain in color only in the electronic version of the magazine, in the printed version of the magazine they will be published in grayscale. Micrographs must have internal scale marks.
The characters, arrows, or letters used in the micrographs must be contrasted with the background and grouped with the pattern.
If photos of people are used, then these people should not be recognizable or written permission to publish them should be attached to such photos. The editors reserve the right to refuse to place non-standard quality drawings in the text of the article.
The figures should be numbered sequentially according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.
Different illustrations should lead to a single style of graphic execution, respecting the uniformity of their design.

Formulas in article text are only typed in the Microsoft Word Equation or MathType formula editor

Tables should be placed in the text of the article immediately after the reference to them and additionally presented in the form of separate files with the ability to edit. Tables must have a title and clearly marked columns that are easy to read. Photo tables are not accepted. The font of the text of the tables and the title is Times New Roman, the font is 12 pt, the color is black, the single interval.
Tables should be numbered sequentially according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. All clarifications should be placed in notes (footnotes) rather than in the title of the table.

Units of measurement and abbreviations
Units of measurement are given according to the SI system and the Celsius scale. Abbreviations of individual words, terms, except those generally accepted, are not allowed. All abbreviations to be entered shall be made entirely in the first reference in the text of the article, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not use abbreviations in article title and annotation. 

Дата создания: 25.02.2022 11:15
Дата обновления: 25.03.2022 16:30
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